Monday, December 17, 2018

5th Grade Wrapping Party

Our fifth-grade elves were hard at work today, preparing gift boxes of toiletries for the residents of an area women's shelter. The donations have been coming in steadily for a month, and today was the day the girls were able to assemble their gifts, write a note, and wrap their boxes. We were so proud of them for their teamwork and commitment to this important community service project. Thank you to our many parent volunteers, too!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Guest Writing Teachers!

We were lucky enough to have one of Ms. Stevei's sixth-grade writing classes join us today to teach us about the components of an analytical paragraph. Using slideshows that they created, writing assignments, games, puzzles, and Kahoot!, these students did a great job of showing our girls where they are headed with writing next year.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Game Star Mechanic

Fifth graders have been busy creating balanced games in Game Star Mechanic.  While creating games, students must consider each of the 5 gaming design elements:  Space, Components, Mechanics, Goals, and Rules.  The game must be beatable but also challenging.  Soon, we will be sharing our games with classmates to give feedback.