Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Art_The Value in Gift Exchange

The girls are working in lights and darks and "drawing" a wrapped present with paper a collage. They wrestled with the form and parallel and diagonal lines as well as value to make a box that appears three dimensional. They also played with the nuances of how the light hits the object, the ribbons, metallic paper, and shadows.

The girls listened to a wonderful story called "The Art of Ms. Chew" and named the "gift exchanges" between the adults and children in the book. The girls will write their own story of a gift exchange to go with their present.

Their gifts and stories will be on display in the Centennial Hall Lobby during the Winter Concert before break!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Science- Making Sense of Mass

Hello from the Science Center! Students just completed their first practice exam- a test of all that they learned about mass and matter. We made some test corrections to practice that important skill of checking what you know and don't know so you are ready for the next one.  As we close the loop on our physical science unit, we took a little time to consider some of our first questions. Knowing that all matter has mass and all mass is effect by gravity let us take a more informed look.  Anyhow, here are a few fun queries. We did a little more than consider that last one- we modeled it! If you fill a water bottle most of the way up, the air bubble behaves just like a helium ballon and the water in the bottle is a good model for the air around the helium balloon. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

How did Native American Tribes Adapt to the Natural Resources Available to Them?

Today we explored different artifacts from one region of North America - the Eastern Woodlands. The girls used these clues about the region to make predictions about how Native American tribes used the natural resources available to them to survive. Next week, we'll read informational texts about this region to see if their predictions were correct!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Winter Concerts - please read!

'Tis the season for music concerts! 

All Fifth Graders will share their performance with families on Tuesday, December 18. The concert begins at 9:30 am in Centennial Hall. 

Because we will have rehearsals in Centennial Hall, please avoid scheduling any appointments on Friday, Dec 14 and Monday, December 17. We need every student in this team effort!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

C-SPAN for Election Day

The fifth-graders were given the opportunity to board the C-SPAN bus this morning, as a way to learn more about voting in our country. The tour bus is ending it's 50 Capitals Tour, and the girls were thrilled to learn that they were sitting in an actual television studio! They heard about the primary source documents that are available on C-SPAN's website, and they were able to explore some of these resources on interactive exhibits aboard the bus. They also talked about the importance of using these unbiased resources to become more informed in the weeks leading up to an election. Several of our girls were proud to show their "I Voted" stickers this morning, and this was the perfect way to celebrate Election Day.

We also learned about C-SPAN's annual national video documentary competition, for kids in 6th to 12th grade. Read about it here, and keep it in mind for your girls next year!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Bryn Mawr and the BSO!

3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls were treated to a "Symphony Space-tacular" concert yesterday by the world-class Baltimore Symphony Orchestra!  While listening to "Mars" by Gustav Holst, we saw amazing images of Mars captured by the Curiosity Rover. A NASA astronaut narrated this musical journey around our own galaxy - and even those that are far, far away. You can imagine the excitement when the orchestra played the main Star Wars theme! 

It's great to listen again! Here are the selections from the program. All are available on Spotify or YouTube.

Also sprach Zarathustra, by R. Strauss"Mars" and "Jupiter" from The Planets, by G. Holst
Symphony No. 5, 1st movement, by Beethoven
Mothership, by Mason BatesMain Theme from Star Wars, by John Williams