Thursday, September 27, 2018

5_Identity & Leaf Paintings

Fifth grade's A.R.T. (Art Related Theme) is IDENTITY. 

The first unit is called Inside/Out and the girls learn about seeing the negative space - the space around the object. They practiced seeing in this new way by painting leaves. 

First, they learned to "activate the negative space" by fitting the subject into a rectangle making the negative shapes like puzzle pieces. Then, they painted the negative space revealing the leaf shape. Next, they adjusted the contour line of the leaf by painting the positive shape. The results are cheerful and colorful but have the push and pull tension of trying to get it just right!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What's App in Computer Science

This year is 5th grade's first year using Chromebooks!  So far, the students have learned how to use their Google Bryn Mawr School account in Gmail, Google Classroom, NewsELA, and Book Creator.  Your daughter can sign into all of these at home (web based or via the app) using her Bryn Mawr credentials.  Each student has a label with this information. 

If you are searching for resources, we suggest Common Sense Media .  "Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. We empower parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives."

Also, be on the look out for more information about our typing program,, coming soon!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Rita Williams-Garcia and House Day Fun

We were excited to hear that The Ivy Bookshop, located around the corner on Falls Road, will be hosting Ms. Rita Williams-Garcia. Ms. Williams-Garcia is the author of our fifth-grade summer reading book, One Crazy Summer. This is not a Bryn Mawr-sponsored event, but we wanted to pass along the information in case you and your daughter wanted to attend. Ms. Williams-Garcia will be visiting The Ivy Bookshop on Thursday, October 18th at 7:00 PM. More information can be found on The Ivy's website.

Ms. Gilbert will be starting the fifth-grade Homework Club next week, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 3:30 - 4:30 PM. More information was emailed home about this club. We also want to remind you that if your daughter is unable to complete homework online, we are happy to provide an alternative assignment for her. Please send us an email, or encourage your daughter to discuss this with her teacher, if this is the case for your family.

Here are some pictures from the first House Spirit Day of the 2018-19 school year:

Friday, September 14, 2018

Morning Meetings

We've all been enjoying our daily Morning Meetings this year. From building greeting webs with yarn (see below) to competing in a sing-off while playing "Encore!" to having fun with secret handshakes (see below) to talking about "fierce females", this time together has given us all a chance to become more connected with one another and to start our day with joy!

A few reminders:
  • Tonight's Lower School picnic has been canceled because of the weather
  • Friday, September 21 is the House Kick-Off. Students may wear House t-shirts or their uniform. Replacement t-shirts may be purchased in the Bryn Mawrket for $10. This is a 3:30 dismissal for everyone in the LS, so expect a longer carpool line.
  • Triple the Spirit is after school on the 21st. Students are not dressing in school colors during the academic day--this is an after school event.

Friday, September 7, 2018

5th-Grade Historians

This week, we became historians! We analyzed a well-known primary source document, the Waldseemüller map from 1507, found in the collection at The Library of Congress. The girls practiced recording their observations, drawing conclusions based on those observations, and formulating thoughtful questions.

To read more about the contributions of Martin Waldeemüller and Mathias Ringmann, as well as the collection at The Library of Congress, we recommend this New York Times article by John Noble Wilford, titled Why America Is Called America.