Tuesday, March 27, 2018

French: Haïti

The girls have been learning about Haïti in French class. We discussed the geography, history, food, climate, languages (creole and French, of course!), and more. In pairs, the girls then created a quiz show using the app Tiny Tap to put their classmates to the test. Their projects were very creative and your girls did a wonderful job writing and answering questions en français.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Author Visit

On Friday in the middle of the windstorm, the Fourth Grade welcomed author Natalie Standiford to our classrooms! Ms. Standiford grew up in Baltimore and includes some Baltimore neighborhoods in her books. She spoke to the girls for an hour, talking about her writing process and how she gets many of her ideas and also answering questions about her books. Many of the girls have read her middle grade novels, Switched at Birthday and The Only Girl in School. Her first novel, The Secret Tree, is now on many of their "To Be Read" lists!

Thank you, Ms. Standiford for a wonderful afternoon!

Here is the link to her website if you are interested: