Friday, December 8, 2017

Hour of Code

This week, your daughter participated in the Hour of Code.  “The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries” (  We use this as an introduction to the programming your daughter will be doing throughout the year.  Learning the basics of programming reinforces problem solving and logic skills.

In fourth grade, students had a choice of Mindcraft, Moana, and Starwars.  By providing choice, students were able to determine what level was best and grow from there.  This helps students to continue to build on what they have already learned from 3rd grade and will be expected to do in 4th grade, using Scratch.

If you would like your daughter to explore more at home, use this link.  Please note, different activities run on different devices and are appropriate for various ages.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Fourth Graders "Cash In"

Our Fourth Grade Girls were very excited to count the money that all the Lower School students brought in their UNICEF boxes. It took both Math classes almost an hour to complete such a tall order, but the result was worth it.  Altogether, the Lower School raised $1032.07!  The Fourth Graders were proud of such an amazing accomplishment, and this project has certainly set the stage for a year of international learning.