Thursday, October 27, 2016

Digital Citizenship

In third grade, students begin using different types of apps like CCSearch, which "build(s) a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world" and Edmodo, which is a way for students to connect and collaborate online.  Using these apps opens our communication about being a digital citizen.

Following units from Common Sense Media, we begin by talking about Rings of Responsibility to answer the question, "What kinds of responsibilities does a good digital citizen have?"   Next, we focus on being a Super Digital Citizen to answer the question: "How can people help others to be good digital citizens?"  The students have created super heroes to help other students remember online responsibilities.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Rolling Along In Math

The girls continue to strengthen their knowledge of the base ten number system. This is a fun hands on activity to reinforce the concept of place value.

Each player rolls a dice and then determines where to place the digit in order to build the highest five digit number. 

Being able to view the number your partner is making, strategic planning, and a high roll all help to win each round.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

French: Two weeks until take-off

The third grade girls have their passports and tickets.  They have finished shopping for all of the things that they will need in Paris and have packed their suitcases.  We leave in two weeks and the girls are very excited.  Here is a video of a few girls shopping for their trip.  Enjoy.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Music: Bridges in Folk Dance

The girls have loved the folk dance called "Bridge to Athlone."  It involves several folk dance steps like do si do, but their favorites are the many kinds of bridges and tunnels!